About me

About me

So you want to know more about me, do you?

You're nosy, aren't you? JK. I'm honored you'd take the time to visit this page, so I shall grant your wish!

I was born in the little town Crawley in England which sits right next to Gatwick Airport, and since no one knows Crawley, I'd just tell people I'm from the airport. Not actually inside the airport though, I'd have to clarify! Though I was in a small place that never quashed my big dreams, and Hollywood was first on my list. I wanted to be a big time actor and write on the side.

It truly was a miracle, but in January 2016 I landed an opportunity to come to Hollywood and pursue acting. But God's plans always triumph over our own, as I would soon learn, and what was my side passion actually ended up taking over as acting hit a wall.

What started as me writing encouraging posts (for myself!) and sharing them online soon turned into a daily ministry. Then God gave me a word to publish the book I'd sat on for eight years and here we are! Now writing is just as important to me as acting is, and when I write I have a simple goal: that people would know God's heart toward them, that they can shine. And they can be a hero. 
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